Massimiliano Carrara


I am associate professor of Logic and Philosophy of Language at the FISPPA Department -- Section of Philosophy, University of Padua (Padua, Italy).  I am also principal investigator of Philosophy of Logic at COGITO - Research center of Philosophy (Bologna).

My research interests are briefly summarized in this page here in Italian, here in English.

You'll find out more in my short CV here. My full CV (in Italian) is here.

Here my page with the most representative publications. Here my papers online. For my complete list of publication, see here.

You can reach me at the following contacts:

FISPPA Department - Section of Philosophy, University of Padua

P.zza Capitaniato 3, 35139 - Padova (Italy)

tel: +39 (0)49 8274749

fax: +39 (0)49 8274701

email: massimiliano_dot_carrara_at_unipd_dot_it

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