Massimiliano Carrara
Massimiliano Carrara
M. Carrara (with M. Soavi). Artifacts and fiat objects: two families apart? In. R. Davies (eds.). Natural and Artifactual Objects in Contemporary Metaphysics Exercises in Analytic Ontology. Bloomsbury Academic, London, 141-155 (ISBN: 1350066338). [pdf]
M. Carrara (with G. Lando). Contingent composition as identity. Synthese Online first (21 Settembre 2018) (DOI: 10.1007/s11229-018-01934-8). [pdf]
M. Carrara (with C. Ce Florio). Identity criteria: an epistemic path to conceptual grounding. Synthese Online first (21 July 2018) (DOI: 10.1007/s11229-018-1878-5). [pdf]
M. Carrara (with E. Martino). A Notion of Logical Concept Based on Plural Reference. Acta Analytica, 33: 19-33, 2018 (DOI: 10.1007/s12136-017-0327-2) [pdf]
M. Carrara. Sui criteri d’identità. Padova University Press, 2018 (March). ISBN: 9788869381232 [pdf]
M. Carrara. Naive Proof and Curry's Paradox. In C. De Florio, A. Giordani (Eds.), From Arithmetic to Metaphysics. A Path through Philosophical Logic, Walter de Gruyter GmbH, Berlin: 61-67, ISBN: 978-3-11-021808-4 (DOI: 10.1515/9783110529494-005) [pdf].
M. Carrara (con D. Chiffi e C. De Florio) Editors. Logical Investigations on assertion and denial. Journal of Applied Logic, Volume 25, Supplement [link]
M. Carrara (with G. Lando). Composition and Relative Counting. Dialectica (DOI: 10.1111/1746-8361.12198) [pdf]
M. Carrara (con D. Chiffi e C. De Florio). On Assertion and Denial in the Logic for Pragmatics. Journal of Applied Logic, (DOI: 10.1016/j.jal.2017.11.002) [pdf]
M. Carrara (con. B. Jespersen e M. Duzi). Iterated Privation and Positive Predication. Journal of Applied Logic, (DOI: 10.1016/j.jal.2017.11.002) [pdf] [link]
M. Carrara (con F. Buekens, D. Chiffi e C. De Florio). Some Preliminaries on Assertion and Denial. Logique et Analyse, 239, 203-207 (DOI: 10.2143/LEA.239.0.3237150) [pdf]
M. Carrara (con D. Chiffi e C. De Florio). Extending and Applying a Logic for Pragmatics. Logique et Analyse, 239, 227-244 (DOI: 10.2143/LEA.239.0.3237152) [pdf]
M. Carrara (with E. Martino). A Notion of Logical Concept Based
on Plural Reference. Acta Analytica, Online June 2017 (DOI: 10.1007/s12136-017-0327-2) [pdf]
M. Carrara (with D. Chiffi e C. De Florio). Assertion and hypothesis: A logical framework for their opposition relations. Logic Journal of the IGPL, 25 (2), 131-144, 2017. (DOI: 10.1093/jigpal/jzw036).
M. Carrara (with F. Buekens, D. Chiffi and C. De Florio) Editors, How to Say ‘Yes’ or ‘No’: Logical Approaches to Modes of Assertion and Denial. Logique et Analyse. 239 (ISSN: 0024-5836) [pdf]
M. Carrara 2017. Naïve Proof and Curry’s Paradox. In C. De Florio, A. Giordani (a cura di), From Arithmetic to Metaphysics. A Path through Philosophical Logic, Walter de Gruyter GmbH, Berlin: 55-61(ISBN: 978-3-11-021808-4) [pdf].
M. Carrara (with D. Chiffi and D. Sergio). A Multimodal Pragmatic Treatment of the Knowability Paradox. In G. Payette e. R. Urbaniak (Eds.). Applications of Formal Philosophy–The Road Less Travelled. Logic, Argumentation and Reasoning 14, 2017: 195-209 (DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-58507-9_ 9) [pdf]
M. Carrara (with E. Martino). DLEAC: A Dialetheic Logic with Exclusive Assumptions and Conclusions.Topoi. An International Review of Philosophy, pp. 1-10, (DOI: 10.1007/s11245-016-9430-z) [pdf].
M. Carrara (with E. Martino). The Mereological Foundation of Megethology. Journal of Philosophical Logic 45: 227-235 (DOI: 10.1007/s10992-015-9373-7) [pdf]
M. Carrara (with G. Bellin, D. Chiffi e A. Menti ). Errata Corrige to Pragmatic and dialogic interpretation of bi-intuitionism. Part I. Logic and Logical Philosophy, 25: 225-233 (DOI: 10.12775/LLP.2015.005) [pdf]
M. Carrara (con G. Lando). Composition, Indiscernibility, Coreferentiality. Erkenntnis 81: 119-142 (DOI: 10.1007/s10670-015-9732-3) [pdf]
M. Carrara (with M. Fasoli). Classificare gli artefatti cognitivi. Una
proposta. Sistemi Intelligenti 28: 49-68 (DOI: 10.1422/83835) [pdf]
M. Carrara (with F. Moltmann and A. Arapinis) Editors, Unity and Plurality. Logic, Philosophy, and Linguistics. Oxford University Press, Oxford and New York (ISBN: 9780198716327; DOI:10.1093/acprof:oso/9780198716327.001.0001) [link].
M. Carrara (with C. De Florio). On an Account of Logicality. In L. Felline, A. Ledda, F. Paoli, E. Rossanese (a cura di), New Directions in Logic and Philosophy of science. College Publications, London: 69-80 (ISBN: 978-1848901605) [link]
M. Carrara (with E. Martino). Goedel, Priest e la nozione di prova informale. In V. Morato et al. (a cura di), The Importance of
Being called Ernesto. Padua University Press, Padova: 333-343 (ISBN: 9788869380648).
M. Carrara (con E. Martino e M. Plebani). Computability, Finiteness and the Standard Model of Arithmetic. In F. Boccuni and A. Sereni (Eds.), Objectivity, Realism, and Proof. FilMat Studies in the Philosophy of Mathematics. (Boston Studies in the Philosophy and History of Science 318), Springer, Berlin: cap. 16, 311-318 (DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-31644-4 16). [pdf]
M. Carrara. Are Counterfeits Copies? In D. Hick and R. Schmuecker (Eds.). The Aesthetics and Ethics of Copying. Bloomsbury Academic, London: 99-118 (ISBN: 978-1474254519) [pdf]
M. Carrara (with R. Ciuni). Characterizing Logical Consequence in Paraconsistent Weak Kleene. In L. Felline, A. Ledda, F. Paoli, E. Rossanese (a cura di), New Directions in Logic and Philosophy of science. College Publications, London: 107-117 (ISBN: 978-1848901605). [link]
M. Carrara (con E. Martino e F. Boccuni). The Logicality of Second- Order Logic. An Analysis in Terms of Plural Arbitrary Reference and Acts of Choice. In M. Carrara, F. Moltmann and A. Arapinis) eds. Unity and Plurality. Logic, Philosophy, and Linguistics. Oxford University Press, Oxford: 70-90, 2016 (ISBN: 9780198716327), DOI:10.1093/acprof:oso/9780198716327.003.0005. [pdf].
M. Carrara, Preliminaries to a Logic of Malfunction. In M. Dancak, and V. Punvcochav Eds. The Logica Yeabook 2014, College Publications London: 1-15. [pdf]
M. Carrara (with G. Bellin and D. Chiffi), On an intuitionistic logic for pragmatics. Journal of Logic and Computation Online first Luglio 2015 (DOI: 10.1093/logcom/exv036) [pdf]
M. Carrara (with G. Bellin, D. Chiffi, A. Menti). ERRATA CORRIGE to “Pragmatic and dialogic interpretation of bi-intuitionism. Part I. Logic and Logical Philosophy. Online April 2015 (DOI: 10.12775/LLP.2015.005). [pdf]
M. Carrara (with G. Lando). Composition, Indiscernibility, Coreferentiality. Erkenntnins. Online April 2015. DOI: 10.1007/s10670-015-9732-3. [pdf]
Carrara (with J. Murzi), Denial and Disagreement. Topoi: 1-11 (DOI 10.1007/s11245-014-9278-z). [pdf], [link].
M. Carrara (with J. Murzi), Paradox and Logical Revision. A short Introduction. Topoi: 1-8 (DOI: (10.1007/s11245-014-9286-z). [pdf], [link].
M. Carrara (with. J. Murzi). Eds. Paradox and logical revision. Topoi, special issue [link]
M. Carrara (con D. Chiffi e C. De Florio). On Pragmatic Denial. In J. Diez, M. Garcia-Campintero, J. Martinez, S. Oms (a cura di), Proocedings of the VIII Conference of the Spanish Society for Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of science. University of Barcelona, Barcelona: 6-13 (ISBN: 978-84-606-9303-1) [pdf].
M. Carrara (with E Martino), Grounding Megethology on Plural Reference. Studia Logica: 1-15 (DOI: 10.1007/s11225-014-9585-9). [pdf], [link].
M.Carrara (with G. Bellin, D. Chiffi & A. Menti), Pragmatic and dialogic interpretations of bi-intuitionism Part I. Logic and Logical Philosophy: 23: 449-480 (DOI: 10.12775/LLP.2014.011).[pdf], [link].
M. Carrara (with D. Chiffi e D. Sergio). Knowledge and Proof. A Multimodal Pragmatic Language. In M. Dancak, and V. Punchoar (eds.), The Logica Yearbook. College Publications London: 1-14 (ISBN: 9781848901445) [pdf]
M. Carrara (con J. Murzi) More Reflections on Consequence. Logique et Analyse 227: 223-258 (DOI:10.2143/LEA.227.0.3053505.) [pdf]
M. Carrara (con E. Martino). Logical Consequence and Conditionals from a Dialetheic Perspective. Logique et Analyse, 227: 359 – 378 (DOI: 10.2143/LEA.227.0.3053510) [pdf]
M. Carrara (con E. Martino). Arbitrary Reference Through Acts Of Choice: A Constructive View Of Reference in Arbitrary Choices. In A. Indrzejczak, J. Kaczmarek, and M. Zawidzki (a cura di), Trends in Logic XIII. Gentzen’s and Jaśkowski’s heritage 80 years of natural deduction and sequent calculi. Łódź University Press, Łódź: 43-54 (ISBN: 978-83-7969-161-6). [pdf]
M. Carrara (with. S. Gaio and M. Soavi). Two arguments against antirealism in relation to artefact kinds. In G. Bonino et al. (eds.). Defending Realism. Ontos Verlag, Frankfurt, forthcoming [pdf]
M. Carrara (with E. Martino). How to understand arbitrary reference. A proposal. In E. Moriconi (Ed.), Second Pisa Col loquium in Logic, Language and Epistemology, ETS, Pisa, forthcoming [pdf]
M. Carrara (with E. Martino). A Dialetheic Interpretation of Classical Logic. In R. Ciuni, H. Wansing, and C. Semmling (ed.), Trends in Logic XI, Springer, Berlin, 49-59 [pdf]
M. Carrara (with D. Chiffi). The Knowability Paradox in the light of a Logic for Pragmatics. In R. Ciuni, H. Wansing, and C. Semmling (ed.), Trends in Logic XI, Springer, Berlin, 33-48 [pdf]
M. Carrara (with. S. Gaio and M. Soavi). Artifact Kinds, Identity Criteria, and Logical Adequacy. In M. Franssen et al. (eds.), Artefact Kinds: Ontology and the Human-Made World, Synthese Library Springer, Berlin: 85-101 (DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-00801-1-6.) [pdf].
M. Carrara(with D. Mingardo). Artifact Categorization. Trends and problems. The Review of Philosophy and Psychology: 351–373, (DOI: 10.1007/s13164-013-0151-6.) [pdf].
M. Carrara (with S. Borgo, P. Garbacz and P. Vermaas). The design stance and its artefacts. Synthese, 190: 1131-1152, (DOI: 10.1007/s11229-011-9885-9.) [pdf]
M. Carrara. Sui vantaggi della buona metafisica. Sistemi Intelligenti 25: 83-88, (DOI: 10.1422/73658.) [pdf]
M. Carrara (with B. Jespersen). A new Logic of technical malfunction. Studia Logica, 101: 547-58, 10.1007/s11225-012-9397-8. [pdf]
M.Carrara (with V. Morato). Una guida ad alcuni temi fondamentali di logica filosofica. Lulu Press, Raleigh (ISBN: 9781291175769) [pdf]
M. Carrara(with D. Mingardo) eds. Artifact Categorization. The Review of Philosophy and Psychology. 4: September 2013. [link]
M. Carrara (with E. martino and V. Morato). On Dialetheic Entailment. In M. Pelis, and V. Puncochar (eds.). The Logica Yeabook, College Publications London: 37-48. [pdf]
M. Carrara (with Ole T. Hjortland, J. Murzi). Paradox and Logical Revision. The Reasoner, 6: 147-148. [pdf]
M. Carrara, (with V. Morato). Ontological disagrement. A case study. In Crisitina Amoretti, Massimiliano Vignolo (eds). Disaccordo. Mimesis Edizioni Milano: 37-51. [pdf].
M. Carrara (with S. Gaio). Criteri d’identità e adeguatezza logica. Rivista di estetica, 49: 141-160. [link], [pdf].
M. Carrara (with E. Martino). Curry's Paradox. A new Argument for Trivialism. Logic and Philosophy of science, Vol. IX: 199-206 [link], [pdf].
M. Carrara (with R. Ciuni and G. Lando). Preface to Composition, Counterfactuals and Causation. Humana.Mente. Journal of Philosophical Studies. 19: I-V [pdf].
M. Carrara. Review of Metametaphysics. New Essays on the Foundations of Ontology. (in Italian). In R. Davies (ed.). Analisi. Mimesis Milano: 185-195 [pdf].
M. Carrara (with S. Borgo, P. Garbacz and P. Vermaas). A Formalization of Functions as Operations on Flows. Journal of Computing and Information Science in Engineering 11: 031007 (DOI:10.1115/1.3615523) [pdf].
M. Carrara (with S. Borgo, P. Garbacz and P. Vermaas). The design stance and its artefacts. Synthese online February 2011 (DOI: 10.1007/s11229-011-9885-9) [link].
M. Carrara (with E. Martino). On the Infinite in mereology with pural quantication. The Review of Symbolic Logic, 4: 54 - 62 (DOI:10.1017/S1755020310000158) [link], [pdf].
M. Carrara (with P. Garbacz and P. Vermaas). If engineering function is a family resemblance concept: Assessing three formalization strategies. Applied Ontology, 6: 141 -163 (DOI: 10.3233/AO-2011-0090) [link] [pdf].
M. Carrara (with R. Ciuni and G. Lando) Eds. Composition, Counterfactuals and Causation. Humana.Mente. Journal of Philosophical Studies. 19 [pdf].
M. Carrara (with B. Jespersen). Two conceptions of technical malfunction. Theoria. A Swedish Journal of Philosophy 77: 117-138 (DOI: 10.1111/j.1755-2567.2010.01092.x) [link], [pdf].
M. Carrara (with D. Fassio). Why Knowledge Should Not Be Typed: An Argument against the Type Solution to the Knowability Paradox. Theoria. A Swedish Journal of Philosophy 77: 180-193 (DOI: 10.1111/j.1755-2567.2011.01100.x) [link], [pdf].
M. Carrara (with S. Gaio e E. Martino). Can Priest's Dialetheism Avoid Trivialism? In M. Pelis, and V. Puncochar Eds. The Logica Yeabook 2011, College Publications London, pp. 53 - 64 [pdf].
M. Carrara (with V. Morato). Towards a Formal Account of Similarity and Family Resemblance for Technical Functions. In P.E. Vermaas and V. Dignum (Eds.) Formal ontologies meet industry. IOS Press, Amsterdam: 63-74 [pdf].
M. Carrara (with G. Spolaore). Review of Achille Varzi, Il mondo messo a fuoco. Storie di allucinazioni e miopie filosofiche (The World in Focus. Stories of Philosophical Hallucinations and Myopias). Dialectica 65: 473{477 (DOI: 10.1111/j.1746-8361.2011.01271.x). [pdf]
M. Carrara (with S. Gaio). Towards a Formal Account of Identity Criteria. In M. Trobok et al. (eds.), Between Logic and Reality. Springer Berlin: 227-242 (DOI: 10.1007/978-94-007-2390-0-12). [pdf]
M. Carrara (with S. Borgo, P. Garbacz e P. Vermaas). Two ontology-driven formalisations of functions and their comparison. Journal of Engineering Design 22: 733-764 (DOI: 10.1080/09544828.2011.597376) [link], [pdf].
M. Carrara (with D. Fassio). Perfected Science and the Knowability Paradox. In M. D’Agostino et al. (eds.), New Essays in Logic and Philosophy of Science. College Publications, London (UK): 629-636 (ISBN 978-1-84890-003-5) [pdf].
M. Carrara (with M. Soavi), Abstract of Copies, Replicas and Counterfeits of artworks and artifacts. The Review of Metaphysics 4: 443 [pdf].
M. Carrara (with E. Martino). To be is to be the object of a possible act of choice. Studia Logica, 96: 289-313 (DOI: 10.1007/s11225-010-9282-2) [link] [pdf].
M. Carrara (with M. Soavi). Copies, Replicas and Counterfeits of artworks and artifacts. The Monist, 93: 417-435 . [link] [pdf].
M. Carrara (with V. Morato) eds. Verità. Annuario e Bollettino della SIFA (Società italiana di Filosofia analitica) Mimesis Milano, pp. 480 [link] [pdf].
M. Carrara (with V. Morato) Preface to (In Italian) Verità. Annuario e Bollettino della SIFA. Mimesis Milano: vii-viii [pdf].
M. Carrara (with S. Borgo, P. Garbacz, e P. Vermaas). The formalisation of functional modeling functions within the DOLCE ontology. In I. Horvath, F.Mandorli and Z. Rusak (eds.), Proceedings International Symposium on Tools and methods of Competive Engineering. Delft University Press, Delft (NL): 113 -126. [pdf]
M. Carrara (with S. Borgo, P. Vermaas, e P. Garbacz). The Design and the Designer Stance. In H. Hove and P. Galle (ed.), CEPHAD 2010: The Borderland between Philosophy and Design Research. Special issue Copenhagen Working Papers on Design 1: 39-40 [pdf].
M. Carrara (with P.E. Vermaas). The Fine-Grained Metaphysics of Artifactual and Biological Functional Kinds. Synthese 169: 125-143 (DOI 10.1007/s11229-008-9339-1) [pdf], [link].
M. Carrara (with F. Berto). To exist and to count: a note on the Minimalist view. Dialectica 63: 343-356 (DOI: 10.1111/j.1746-8361.2009.01198.x) [link] [pdf].
M. Carrara. Relative identity and the Number of Artifacts. Techne. Rssearch in Philosophy and Technology 13: 108-122 [link] and [link], [pdf].
M. Carrara (with E. Martino). On the ontological commitment of mereology. The Review of Symbolic Logic 2: 164-174 (DOI: 10.1017/S1755020309090157) [link] [pdf].
M. Carrara (with C. Bettella). Classifications: on Philosophers and Librarians. Knowledge Organization 36: 88-91 [link], [pdf].
M. Carrara (with S. Borgo, P. Vermaas, e P. Garbacz). A formal ontological perspective on behaviors and functions of technical artifacts. AI EDAM. Artificial Intelligence for Engineering Design, Analysis and Manufacturing 23: 3-21 (DOI: 10.1017/S0890060409000079) [link] [pdf]
Carrara (co-editor with V. Morato), Language, Knowledge, and Metaphysics. Selected papers form the First SIFA Graduate conference. (Texts in Philosophy) College Publications, London UK 2009 [link].
M. Carrara (co-editor with C. Bettella), The Philosophy of Classifying Philosophy. Knowledge Organization 2 and 3 36/2009 [link].
M. Carrara. Cose che capitano. Cassazione penale 12 (49): 443-457 [pdf]
M. Carrara (with S. Gaio). On the Logical Adequacy of Identity Criteria. In J. Alcolea et al. (eds.), Actas del VI congreso de la sociedad de logica, metodologia y filosofia de la ciencia en espana, University of Valencia Valencia 2009: 37-41 [pdf].
M. Carrara (with S. Borgo, P. Vermaas, and P. Garbacz). Towards an Ontological Representation of Functional Basis in DOLCE. In M. Okada e B. Smith (ed.), Interdisciplinary Ontology. Keio University Press, Keio 2009: 3-16 [pdf].
M. Carrara (with S. Gaio). Approximating Identity Criteria. In V.A. Munz, K. Puhl, J. Wang (eds.), Language and World: Papers of the 32nd International Wittgenstein Symposium. Vol. XVII dei \Contributions of the Austrian Ludwig Wittgenstein Society" Austrian Ludwig Wittgenstein Society, Kirchberg am Wechsel (A): 127-133 (pubblicato anche online su padua@research: 2255) [link], [pdf].
M. Carrara. Review of K. Fine, Modality and Tense. Philosophical papers. Humana.mente. Philosophical Journal (8): 167-171 [pdf]
M. Carrara (with S. Borgo, P. Garbacz and P. Vermaas). Steps Towards a Formal Ontology for Enginnering function of technical artifacs. Online on: ICCME'09: International Conference on Collaborative Mechatronic Engineering. importnet.salzburgre = viewid = 4Itemid = 5: [pdf].
M. Carrara (with M. Soavi). Ontology for Information Systems. Artefacts as a case study. Mind and Society (7): 143-156 (DOI: 10.1007/s11299-007-0036-4) [link].
M. Carrara (with E. Sacchi). Cardinality and Identity. Journal of Philosophical Logic 36): 539-556 (DOI: 10.1007/s10992-007-9047-1) [link].
M. Carrara (con V. Morato). Haecceitism and the problem of individuation. DS. An International Journal of the Philosophical Tradition from the Late Atiquity to the Late Middle Ages 18: 573-586. [link].
M. Carrara (co-editor with P. Cherubini and P. Giaretta), Symposium on Cognition and Rationality: Part II. Mind and Society 6/2007 [link] or [link].
M. Carrara (with E. Sacchi). Propositions. An Introduction. Grazer Philosophische Studien 72: 1-27. [link].
M. Carrara (con S. Borgo, P. Vermaas, P. Garbacz). Behavior of a Technical Artifact: An Ontological Perspective in Engineering. In B. Bennett and C. Fellbaum (eds.), Formal Ontology in Information Systems. IOS Press, Amsterdam: 214-225 [link]
M.Carrara (with V. Morato), Una guida ad alcuni temi fondamentali di logica filosofica. SWIF – Servizio Web Italiano per la Filosofia. Edizioni Digitali di Filosofia, Bibliotec@SWIF - Readings/Contemporanea: pp. 99 [pdf].
M. Carrara (co-editor with E. Sacchi), Propositions. Semantic and Ontological Issues. Grazer Philosophische Studien. 72/2006 [link] or [link].
M. Carrara (co-editor with P. Cherubini and P. Giaretta), Symposium on Cognition and Rationality: Part I. Mind and Society. 5/2006 [link] or [link]
M. Carrara. Comments on Hughes. Dialectica 59: 481-484 (DOI: 10.1111/j.1746-8361.2005.01033.x) [link]
M. Carrara (con P. Giaretta). The Many Facets of identity Criteria. Dialectica 58: 221-232 (DOI: 10.1111/j.1746-8361.2004.tb00298.x) [link]
M. Carrara (con G. Boniolo). On Biological Identity. Biology and Philosophy 19: 443–457 (DOI: 10.1023/B:BIPH.0000036163.02581.15) [link].
M. Carrara (con F. Martinello). What Do Symmetrical Counterexamples to the Identity Of Indiscernibles Prove?. Studia Leibnitiana SH 32: 109-121 [link]
M. Carrara (con P. Giaretta, V. Morato, M. Soavi and G. Spolaore). Identity and Modality in OntoClean. In A.C.Varzi and L. Vieu (eds.), Formal Ontology in Information Systems. IOS Press, Amsterdam: 128-139 [link]
M. Carrara (co-editor with G. Tomasi and A. Nunziante), Individuals, Minds and Bodies. Themes from Leibniz. Studia Leibnitiana SH 32/2004 [preview] or [link].
M. Carrara (co-editor with P. Giaretta), Filosofia and logica. Rubettino Soveria Manelli (CZ), 2004 [preview] or [link].
M. Carrara (co-editor with P. Giaretta), Ontologie analitiche. Rivista di estetica 26/2004 [link]
M. Carrara (with V. Morato). Di che cosa parlano i filosofi analitici quando parlano di haecceitas?. Medioevo 28: 265-302.
M. Carrara (co-editor with G. De Anna and S. Magrin), Linguaggio, mente and mondo. Saggi di filosofia del linguaggio, filosofia della mente e metafisica. Il Poligrafo Padova [link]
M. Carrara (con P. Giaretta). On Identity Criteria. In C. Nimtz (ed.), Arguments and Analysis. Papers contributed to the Sections of the 4th International Congress of the Society for Analytical Philosophy. Mentis Verlag Paderborn: 426-435 [link].
M. Carrara. Alcune osservazioni sull’identit`a degli indiscernibili. Rivista di storia della filosofia 57: 12-34 [link].
M. Carrara (co-editor with A. Bottani and P. Giaretta). Individuals, Essence and Identity. Themes of Analytic Metaphysics. Kluwer, Dordrecht [link].
M. Carrara, Impegno ontologico e criteri d’identità. Un’analisi. CLEUP Padova 2001 [pdf] or [link]
M. Carrara (con P. Giaretta). Identity Criteria and Sortal Concepts. In C. Welty and B. Smith (eds.), Formal Ontology in Information Systems. ACM Press, New York: 234-243. [link].
M. Carrara (with A.C. Varzi). Ontological Commitment and Reconstructivism. Erkenntnis 55: 33-50. [pdf] or [link].
M. Carrara. On the Function of Identity Criteria. In U. Meixner and P. Simons (eds.), Methaphysics in the Post-Metaphysical Age: Papers of the 22nd International Wittgenstein Symposium, Vol. VII/1 of “Contributions of the Austrian Ludwig Wittgenstein Society”, Kirchberg am Wechsel (A), 1999: 127-133.
M. Carrara, “Filosofia e scienze cognitive”. Scienza e storia 12/1997: 51-59.
M. Carrara, (with N. Guarino [first author] and P. Giaretta). Formalizing Ontological Commitments. In B. Hayes-Roth, R. Korf and H. Shrobe (eds.), Proceedings of the Twelfth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence, MIT Press, Cambridge (MA), 1994: 560-567.[pdf]
M. Carrara, (with N. Guarino [first author] and P. Giaretta). An Ontology of Meta-Level Categories. In J. Doyle, E. Seewall and P. Torasso (eds.), Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning, Morgan Kaufmann San Mateo (CA), 1994: 270-280.[pdf]
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